The Bright Bliss | Teen Ink

The Bright Bliss

April 21, 2016
By The_Kate_Diaries BRONZE, Austin, Texas
The_Kate_Diaries BRONZE, Austin, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The color yellow gleams in the morning.
It reflects on the glass of the windows,
and covers sidewalks.
It illuminates over the clouds
like a crystal ball.
It bounces off the leaves of the trees,
and glistens on them during the holidays.
It is transparent with emotion
yet opaque with thought.
It delivers happiness and wisdom,
and feeds the spirit in your soul.
It mirrors what we hope for
though it is somehow always out of reach.
It is the sunshine on our face,
and makes the lanterns glow.
It makes the stars cry out for mercy
so bright and loud.
It turns scowls into smiles,
and conflict to peace.
It captivates the eye,
shimmer, sparkle.
The color yellow gleams in the morning.

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