Nothing. | Teen Ink


May 5, 2016
By im_just_invisible SILVER, Pacific, Missouri
im_just_invisible SILVER, Pacific, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
some dreams are meant to be and others are meant to break you down

You have no idea how hard I am trying to be happy. Why am I trying to hold onto something that isn't there. Sometimes I catch myself feeling sad about things that don't matter. And what doesn't matter is I trusted you like you never hurt me. And how when I was a kid I never imagined that my life would be so empty. I really am sad and I don't thing anybody really cares. But I am trying, some days are great, others are not so great, but I'm doing the best I can. Once I had confidence and I felt so great about myself and then had it completely shattered. Because people are weak and people are selfish and when given the freesom to chose they chose wrong every single time. We are living a life of shadows, of echoes of faint dbnt whispers of once made us real. We destroyed the world. Memories are not just about the past they determine our future. But all my memories were taken. They've been stolen. 

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