Blue! | Teen Ink


May 24, 2016
By alec.catarozoli BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
alec.catarozoli BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love the color blue

The color blue I do
There are so many different shades
Like the type of blue you find in the everglades

Blue can mean sadness
But to me it brings gladness
Baby blue, Brithish blues, and dirty blues
With all the different blues you don’t know whose is whose

Blue meaning new baby boys
New baby boys that play with new blue toys
Playing in the new blue room
The toy breaks sending them into a new blue glume

Blue in the bright shining sky
Making any human wish they could fly
Touching that cool blue sky
In a freshly pressed suit with you new blue tie

Blue is the color of the ocean
That blue will fill anyone with emotion
Showing us the beauty of blue
So sit back take in every different hugh

I love the color blue
The color blue I do
It is simple yet new
That Infinite color blue

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