Now and Then and Again | Teen Ink

Now and Then and Again

May 26, 2016
By sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
sydpenny98 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the center of boredom hides an anxious kid scared to escape society’s judgment
The opposite of tender is a father’s glare
The enemy of green hides between the grey of your stare, stones hardening the soft green shine while the texture of turquoise brings comfort to break the silence
The hiding place of rain shivers underneath the damaged eyes of a child’s cries a bright blue, radiating through the cracks of it’s eyes
The swirl of loneliness sounds like longing cry for the one you lost while the smell of burnt rubber creates dark tracks
The sadness of puppies is the loss of that once great best friend
The antonym of pink is my soul, dark and cloudy waiting for something to awaken in its depths
The rock bottom of October never will match the high ascent of June
If you look underneath peace, you might hear desperate screams of the depressed, stressed oppressed, their howls taste like a bitter sweet tingle trapped deep in their lungs
If you jump into the present, you’ll land on the dreams of those who marched on shattering before you mischief reeking of old and new prepares its strike
At the top of tomorrow waits a beacon of hope guiding us through the darkness of now
If you turn hope on high, you’ll see the lands and seas far and wide and in the distance chaos will die
At the edge of silver is a river of white moving fluid, careful not to break its purity
When you toss sadness to the wind, it returns as the strength to never catch it again
When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find that in which will bring you peace and light never to know this world again and hear the glittering gold whose twinkle echoes through the night
The shape of the past fits inside lone tear as she walks away from all her fears

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