Summer Months | Teen Ink

Summer Months

June 15, 2016
By shayna_r BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
shayna_r BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Great green grass tickles my toes
The scent of flowers fills my nose

The intense heat streaks my face
I feel just in the right place

The white puffy clouds resemble a shape
This is the place where I can escape

A warm summer day is my favorite thing
I see all the things that nature can bring

The ocean waves roll back and forth
East, west, south, and sometimes north

Summer months are always best
Finally I can take a rest

From school and tests and homework too
And finally relax by the ocean blue

It’s getting hotter day by day
Bring out shorts, put pants away

Cicadas sing in the bright blue sky
A morning in the month July

The melting ice cream grabs my hand
My feet sink into the burning sand

Sometimes rainy, sometimes cold
But summer months never get old

The author's comments:

Since Summer is so close, I felt inspired to write a poem about how the warm weather makes me feel.

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