Goodbye | Teen Ink


February 10, 2017
By mdreese GOLD, Simms, Texas
mdreese GOLD, Simms, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m not sure which is stronger,

The pain in my heart or flow of the tears rolling down my face.
Getting to know someone is the easy part,
It’s letting go of them when the time comes that’s difficult.
Sometimes in the face of love,
Is where you’ll find the most pain.
Every situation has its light and darkness,
However sometimes the dark areas seem to be found the most definite.
“I’m sorry”, they say.
“It wasn’t meant to be”, they say.
“I guess it’s time to go now”, they say.
“It’ll get easier as you go”, so they also say.
So I guess all of them have at times been true,
So therefore here I am looking through my sadness,
So that there will only be happiness in you.
What seems like just a few days ago,
Joy filled our eyes,
Just from the simple word hello,
And today I find myself trying to hold back the tears,
Just long enough to say the word,


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