Once A Boy, Now A Man | Teen Ink

Once A Boy, Now A Man

March 25, 2009
By Kaylan Heckman SILVER, Oak Grove, Missouri
Kaylan Heckman SILVER, Oak Grove, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Once you were a boy and now you’re a man

Once a boy with scruffy blonde hair and bright, innocent blue eyes

Now a man with a black, greasy hair and cold, beady eyes

Once a boy with a ready-to-learn smile

Now a man with an evil grin of death

Once a boy with a gap in his front teeth

Now a man with teeth as yellow as a crayon

Once a boy with a bright future

Now a man with a road of death and wrongs

Once a boy with a small, but healthy body

Now a man with a lean, starving pole

Once a boy with the brightest of minds

Now a man with a cigarette in his mouth

Once a boy with a clear, cherub voice

Now a man with gruff, destroyed utter

Once a boy that was my brother

Ten years later

Now a man who’s a stranger

I wanted to say that I loved you

But since a mysterious event that you never will tell

I will never have that chance

The author's comments:
Something that can happen in a family that can change someone and that person can become a complete person

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