American Heros | Teen Ink

American Heros

May 8, 2018
By ltague BRONZE, Gretna, Louisiana
ltague BRONZE, Gretna, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We put our hand on our hearts and pledge our beliefs everyday.
Some take for granted and even mistreat the freedom we obtain.
Others can only but dream and pray that one day things will start to look up.
I will never understand those who bash the people and the country that they should hold so near and dear to them.
These men and women deserve our utmost respect.
They possess the courage that all of us strive to achieve.
Fighting day in and day out to secure that freedom we so often have to be reminded of.
What would we do without all of these men and women who wear their uniforms with pride, sacrifice their lives, and raise their voices to proudly sing the Star Spangled Banner.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Walt Whitman

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