Should college athletes be paid? | Teen Ink

Should college athletes be paid?

May 18, 2018
By Marcus1 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Marcus1 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is paying College Athletes Right? 

If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, if you teach a man to fish you feed him for life. That saying really describes my opinion on whether college athletes should be paid or not. I believe that they get paid with an education but not everyone agrees. I really think that this would only benefit the NCAA. I will bring up very good points such as education, to many athletes, and abuse.

During this year’s NCAA tournament, there has been obvious speculation about college athletes and the significant amount of revenue they have been bringing to their schools and the NCAA. This isn’t something new. This is something that has been a growing issue in recent years.
Some pros of this are. Players would be able to actually afford a decent meal and possibly send some money back home. Many of these athletes come from urban, low-class families and often leave school early because of the unimaginable pressure to be the main provider for their family at a young age.To back up the last point, players wouldn’t have to leave school early and would still be able to pursue an education while taking care of their family back home. This would possibly increase graduation rates, allow fans to see their favorite players mature through college, and ensure coaches are preparing athletes as much as possible for the next level. One thing that would make it not good is there are to many athletes

In America, There are more than 5,300 different colleges, and over 460,000 athletes. Over half the schools are not even D1.0Only a few collegiate sports actually bring in money. College football, as well as men’s and women’s basketball, are the money makers as far as collegiate athletics is concerned. Most other programs are actually cash strapped. Therefore, the issue becomes should only football and basketball college athletes be paid? Is that fair to other student-

athletes?  So they would be paying hundreds of thousands of athletes that dont even generate that much revenue.  More than 50% of Collegiate games are not even televised but if the big schools get paid the small ones would too...Right?  According to an article by CNN money the NCAA generated a billion dollars in 2017, so would it be enough for everyone? One solution would be to increase school funding and then the individual schools could pay the athletes. This is a lot simpler of an idea and i believe would make the whole idea a lot nicer to people who oppose it. Another flaw that could go along with this is discrimination.

Ever since our country became this developed we have seen discrimination. In everything discrimination seems to wiggle it's way into the mix. The reason this could play a factor is small schools could get paid less. Even women sports could get paid less. Also this could bring racism in. If the man in charge of the NCAA has a thing against a certain race that race might get paid less. This is just one of many problems that could happen. another problem would be abuse.

College kids are not known for making the best decisions; but now we want to put large amounts money in their hands? This would allow them to get drugs and other illegal substances. One good that could come from this is they could help their families and further improve their college life. My guess would be most would use it for good things. But what about the ones who don't? The ones that could ruin their lives because they had money. Also the kids that have scholarships are saving around $20,000 a year so do they need to be paid?

While not all student-athletes are on scholarship, many are, particularly those who are playing for schools we see winning national championships. In addition to free tuition and room and board, these college athletes also often receive stipends to help towards books and other basic needs. This money does not have to be paid back. Most other students are not receiving these benefits, and will 

come out of school with a great deal of student loan debt.  If you give a lot of money to a bunch of college kids they might stop attending class. If they start doing this ultimately they will end up being dropouts and no one wants that.                                                                                                                                                                  In conclusion If you give a man money he's set for a week or so but if you teach a man how to make money he is set for life. That is what i think about college athletes being paid. I think it is a waste and would benefit some, but not all, and it would not be equal.          


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