UnPerfect | Teen Ink


October 5, 2009
By KaraTaylor DIAMOND, Neptune, New Jersey
KaraTaylor DIAMOND, Neptune, New Jersey
81 articles 17 photos 84 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments"

"experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."

"be as you wish to seem."

"it's better to be hated for what you are, than to be loved for what you are not."

A perfect person,
That's not me.
A perfect person,
I want to be.

Over and over,
I can't get it right.
Over and over,
I cry at night.

I try my hardest,
just for him.
I try my hardest,
But I still can't win.

So how do I tell him,
my biggest mistake?
So how do I tell him,
When I'm afraid we might break?

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