My Story | Teen Ink

My Story

May 25, 2010
By lkushner BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
lkushner BRONZE, Smithtown, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never conform, define yourself, the world worships the origional." - Mia Michaels

Time consuming late night talks with nothing but three words.
Waiting is all we can do, though it’s not what we preferred.
Months go by without his voice, his face, and his touch.
When he comes home it feels as if we didn’t miss that much.
Sometimes he’s home for months, some weeks, or maybe days.
It’s been so long and I just want to hear that simple phrase.
I’m standing here, with his mom, staring at the gate.
I glance back over at the screen; it says his flight is late.
An hour has passed and here he comes! My eyes begin to tear.
I can’t believe how long it’s been and now he’s finally here.
He hugs his mom; then looks at me and gets down on one knee.
Then those four words come out his mouth and finally I agree.
He hugs me tight and kisses me hard; all I hear is applause.
I can’t believe that I said yes, even without a pause.
Five months go by and now it’s time to walk down straight down that aisle.
Most girls cry, I don’t know why. All I can do is smile.
He’s standing there in his dress blues, I kiss my dad goodbye.
He takes my hand and starts to mouth those two words “Semper Fi.”
“Always faithful” is what it means and what all I live by.
Before I knew it, it’s suddenly time for this huge knot to tie.
The party after was so much fun but soon the day has ended.
Soon after he gets the call that’s not what we intended.
He’s leaving again to some place scary. This isn’t even fair.
Although I wish it wasn’t true, I just have to prepare.
I drive him to the airport and now it time to go.
He hugs me tight, and kisses me hard. I know I’ll miss him so.
He walks away, as I do to. I do not dare look back.
Weeks later there’s men at my door regarding the attack.
This isn’t real, we just got married; it has to be a dream.
I can’t think, or speak, or cry, we made such a good team.
Years will go by without his voice, his face, and his touch.
He’ll never come home, and all I know is I miss him so much.

The author's comments:
The US Maries inspired me to write this piece, along with Marine wives, girlfriends, and fiancees. I was involved with a Marine once and although this story is not something that happened to me, it could happen to women all over the US. I hope people will be moved by this story and can get a little bit of insight on a womans point of view of biing in a relationship with a man in the military.

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