Flames | Teen Ink


February 9, 2012
By Anonymous

A young life in a happy home
unaware of life ahead.
The seconds pass, not made to last;
His smile was made to end.

Flames grew high
and his hopes fell low.
A once happy home burned dry
his family, six feet below.

Everything familiar and comforting was lost, without even a last goodbye.
He was then forced to start living anew.
Another young soul was forced to realize
the terrors of the world.

The author's comments:
My best friend Joaquin and I have been best friends since the beginning of time. We spent every minute of our lives together, from school, to church, to playing soccer in the grassy field between our houses. Things were perfect, and we were inseparable. I guess things weren't meant to stay that way though. Joaquin's family suffered a house fire; they suspected arson. He was the only one to make it out alive. This may seem lucky, but it's amazing how much it seems like just the opposite. The loss of his family was almost like the loss of his soul. There is no life in him anymore, no matter how I try to help. He is still my best friend and I will stand by him forever, but I hope that by submitting this poem, I can renew life in him and in our friendship.

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