Tears of Blood | Teen Ink

Tears of Blood

November 26, 2012
By Anonymous

I’ve reached the end as far as I know
Its wrong and sad but I am not whole
In this room of shame and despair
With walls as white as a young kid’s stare

In the center I find my brush
A knife with edge and no touch of rust
With swallowed tears and choked sobs
Painting red on those white washed walls

The floor in the middle is covered and stained
I sit in the pool as it soaks me like rain
The blood has dried on pants and on sleeve
I cut claw and cry but it won’t recede

I close my eyes and scream for the last
And perhaps the sound of the long last splash
I opened my eyes and nothing was red
The room was white without a drop of blood shed

A woman in white with eyes like the sun
And hair as red as my crimson fortune
She held my hands to her chest in a loving embrace
With tenderness soft and a smile on her face

She slowly brought them to her lips
Kissing the once raw red wrists
She carried me to a bed in the room
With sheets as white as a new daisy bloom

She laid me in the soft crisp sheets
She climbed in too with greatest ease
Staring across the pillow from me
Was her face with a most brightened sheen

She crept closer and laid her head on my chest
Humming softly from her warm and white breast
She soothed the sadness that lived inside me
And tamed the beast that tried to run free

She looked up at me and smiled with her eyes
They glowed and they shown like the bright mid day sky
Her gaze then grew cold dark and dead
As her eyes wept a deep dark blood red

Now I am in a very busy junction
Struggling to see faces of my compunction
The faces are blurred but they look so alluring
With voices of happiness and good tidings

In the haze of exquisite faces
I find hers with all her graces
She motions me to follow her into a room
I clamber and scamper toward her fragrant perfume

The room is all white just as the first
But there is no proof of my blood burst
The humming comes and it fills the room
It rises and spreads like a flow ‘ring plume

Now replaced by her voice as soothing as silk
The sound moving through the walls at full tilt
“Don’t be afraid as you experience pain
It is now through me that you will ne’er cry again”

I awoke in my bed with my wife next to me
She was worried and wondered what could be
She was the girl from my dreams with hair and smile
But looked as though she had been through a trial

“You were crying and moaning and I was concerned
But you looked sad from what I discerned”
I held her tight for a couple of moments
Reassuring her of my commitment

I went to the bathroom and saw my shirt
It had blood droplets that appeared to be dirt
On the front as though I had cried
Blood from hers or my eyes?

The author's comments:
Just some inspiration that I got from my girlfriend. I think she gave me the idea when she told me about a dream she had about a white room. I made the rest.

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