The Lonely Wolf | Teen Ink

The Lonely Wolf

November 30, 2013
By MoonlightRain BRONZE, West Jordan, Utah
MoonlightRain BRONZE, West Jordan, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep in mind that people can change, but the past doesn't.

The lonely wolf howls in the night
While the stars run out of burning light
The dark creeps up and takes its place
Consuming everything that makes up space

The moonlight shines down from the sky
The wolf now howls its last goodbye
Never to see its love again
He knows now that this is the end

He knows he cannot fight the change
Though everything may seem the same
The flame that dances in his heart
Is only one of grief and dark

He cannot run, he cannot hide
For he knows that there’s a beast inside
Although it hurts to be alone
He knows the evil will surely sow

So as the wolf cries all his might
He stands within the moons bright light
Seeking forgiveness every day
The lonely wolf drowns in his shame

He does not lose the wars he fights
Does not hesitate, just strikes
His teeth are bared, sharp pearly whites
The beast inside’s worse than his bite

The author's comments:
I wrote about this piece because it is written in the story I am writing currently and it is my made up tale about a lonely wolf howling at the moon, his lover. He howls at the moon because he is in agony over all the wrongs he has done: killing and slaughtering animals and people. He feels horrible, but he can't help it because he is what he is. He's explaining to her that he can't fight his inner beast and how the evil form of him in the inside is worse than all that he has done and living with the other type of wolf inside of him is pure agony compared to the horrible deeds he has done. It's a sad tale. I don't know why I wrote it. It just comes to me.

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