North Star | Teen Ink

North Star

January 5, 2014
By TheMipstaz BRONZE, Torrance, California
TheMipstaz BRONZE, Torrance, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are my north star when I’m lost and feeling blue,
You are my inspiration when I don’t know what to do.
You are my anchor to reality,
You are my chains, yet only you set me free.

You are my air, my oxygen I breathe,
You are my faith and God with a capital G.
You are what make up my hopes and my dreams,
You are what keeps me from all despair, it seems.

But you are the pain, hidden deep within my brain,
You are the voice that tells me I’m insane.
You are the reason that I wish to end it all,
Yet you are not the reason that I have yet to fall.

I am the reason that I still hope and breathe,
I am the voice that says, “Go and get your dreams.”
I am the one who was here for all this time,
And I am the only one who chose to stay behind.

Maybe you're my north star when I’m lost and feeling blue,
But at the end of the day, I know I don't really need you.

The author's comments:
Because it's important to learn to love yourself before you can try to love others.

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