The Road of Silence | Teen Ink

The Road of Silence

March 18, 2014
By Angel Ugalde BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Angel Ugalde BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As he approaches his destination, he realises he must turn his back and move toward the sound of horror. The noises get louder as he moves forward, then suddenly he hears the noise behind him, he then moves backwards in such suspicion.
Again,the sounds are ahead of him,and he too, creates these sounds of terror.
Begging for help, the man asks himself: What can I do to stop this? Is it possible to stop the feeling of fear? Is it possible to overcome the fear of ones heart?

The man then collapses and awakens to the sight of a man seeing and hearing feeling the exact same thing he did, but doesn’t walk over or grab his hand to tell him: “ Everything is going to be ok.” Instead just watches, like everyone else.

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