Sailing Away | Teen Ink

Sailing Away

November 18, 2014
By writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 71 comments

Long ago, on raging storm waves,
My boat fell apart when the insides caved.
I drowned in the water that once held me high,
With little hope that I'd ever be dry.


For days I drifted, too broken to stir,
Anamnesis in a psychotic whir.
But then, above me, a ship sailed slow,
In search of a survivor in the peril below.


Waiting for it to pass, I closed my eyes.
I'd left Hope on my sunken ship to die.
My eyes fluttered open when I felt your gentle kiss.
New breath in my lungs, you'd saved me from this.


I'd sit on the deck and watch you steer.
The waters were calm and you were so near.
My beautiful siren boy, who steered me right,
You took my dead heart and gave it life.


Over miles of sea, you taught me to sail,
Together we voyaged, on the seas we prevailed.
Your wild eyes were always set on the waves,
So I taught you how real memories were made.


At night we'd lay and gaze at the sky,
And you'd tell me you saw the stars in my eyes.
I peered at you in the shimmery light,
And the words that killed me slipped out that night.


I craved your gaze; I soared from your touch,
I'd fallen in just a little too much.
You'd be up on the mast in the early dawn,
In search of new remnants, and I knew you were gone.


You brought more survivors onto your ship
And I began to feel my sanity slip.
In envy I drowned, losing my breath.
The waters became stormy, calling me to my death.


Desperate, I told you to let me free,
Wishing, deep down, that you'd fight for me.
But you took me to land, my supposed desire.
Now instead of water, I'll be drowned in fire.


For the time you saved me, I forever weep.
I crave your voice, your caress of my cheek.
But, my dear you are going, steering alone.
I yearn for the days that your ship was my home.


With my feet in the sand, I watch you go,
Your wild eyes fixated on the peril below.
Goodbye my love. Oh eternal goodbye.
You're leaving me here on land to die.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 14 2014 at 10:37 pm
Helena_Noel BRONZE, Burnt Hills, New York
1 article 0 photos 629 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I'd rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way: The eye's a better pupil and more willing than the ear, fine counsel is confusing, but example's always clear.” -Edgar Guest

That was a dramatic and riviting poem. The turnaround was shocking, but I loved how the end mirrored the beginning, with the fearful of "strandedness." There are so many threads in this poem I don't know quite know how to unravel it.
There was such a strong sense of devotion from the speaker towards the rescuer that it was all but heartbreaking when the actual rescue was complete. Over all, the flow is beautiful, the lengthier lines somehow emphasizing the forlorn tone of the poem. However, the line "The waters became stromy, calling me to my death." seemed a little cramped. Perhaps some simplfication is in order? The stanza above, the seventh, was my favorite part out of the whole. After the speaker was pulled out to saftey, it killed, and I mean I totally loved it, reading "I'd fallen in just a little to much." I felt like it's implied meaning of falling in love was an astounding and powerful contrast! Your work is fantastic, I'm sorry I hadn't stumbled on it sooner: write on!