Pinnacle | Teen Ink


February 22, 2015
By mollyw BRONZE, ., California
mollyw BRONZE, ., California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s anathema to disregard
The circumstance that brought us here,
But now we stare at the closed doors,
Our knees shake in wonder and fear.

Everyone I’ve met passes right through,
They drift into the light beyond.
I look on either side of me
And know that I am all alone.

Should I have even come at all?
Have climbed to this floor and no more?
What’s the point of being Higher
If I’m stuck outside the Better door?

Why venture here for just “okay”?
I’m mediocre, in-between.
Why did I climb so hard to come
If I’m just average, never queen?

They tell me “look what brought you here!”
“How much further you have gotten!”
Is it ungrateful to want more?
Does it mean that I’ve forgotten?

One small success is not enough –
I want to clamber to the top.
A vision of the pinnacle
Eradicates the cue to stop.

We thought we’d gotten high enough,
But it’s so far up to the top.

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