I Fell for You | Teen Ink

I Fell for You

February 26, 2015
By FemaleBro BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
FemaleBro BRONZE, Waverly, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

White wings,
Golden halos,
Soaring high above the earth
And to places only God knows.
You say I’m an angel,
But angels cannot fall
In love with a human,
Yet your voice and your face would call
To my heart,
To my soul.

Down, down, down
I fell,
My wings going up in flames.
Down, down, down
I fell,
Towards the unfamiliar faces and names,
Yet the only one that truly mattered,
Was you.

With my wings gone,
My halo shattered,
I didn’t care anymore,
Nothing mattered.
Yet you came to me
And fixed my broken heart,
And I fixed yours,
Creating the most beautiful art,
as I added pieces of my heart to yours,
and you to mine.

Up, up, up,
My heart soaring higher,
My love for you ever growing.
Up, up, up,
My heart soaring higher, both of our hearts showing,
And yours
Was made of pure gold.

I fell for you,
For the man I am meant to love,
For it cannot be a coincidence
that your hand fits mine like a glove.
I would’ve fallen,
Again and again,
My heart connected to yours,
On an unbreakable chain,
And now I’m using my heart
For words I cannot seem to say enough:

I love you.

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