Moving Misery | Teen Ink

Moving Misery

April 13, 2015
By SecretHeart SILVER, Harper, Kansas
SecretHeart SILVER, Harper, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Zzzzzzzzzip! Boxes are being opened.
They say moving isn’t bad
But after a few months here,
Was I still meant to feel sad?

Craaaack! Hear how my heart hollars?
I hate my home, I hate the town.
Never have I been so alone.
Never before have I felt so down.

Rrrrrrrriiing! It’s the first day of school.
As you may know I’m shy as hell.
Not many speak to me
But when they do, well....

Slllllllaaaaaaap! The first words hurt.
I’ve never been hit like this.
The slaps hurt worse,
Harder with every diss.

Riiiing! School is out.
I don’t know what to say.
The words get worse, slaps harder
With every passing day.

Drip... Drip... The tears fall.
I am now at home.
Feeling an aching in my heart
Hurting more than I've ever known.

The author's comments:

This ballad is about the first few months of my life after I moved towns.

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