Roses | Teen Ink


September 28, 2018
By alyneperez8 BRONZE, Hemet, California
alyneperez8 BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have two roses that were given to me when I was born it was a gift from God. The roses started off as a bud and slowly started to bloom. To me they are the most delicate beautiful things in the the world. They have dark red petals with a long, green stem and a couple of thorns. Everyday when I go and come back from school I water them. I get blue because every day they have more and more brown on them. Every human being has roses given to them but some of them get lost or wither really quickly. Some have already gone through the process of trying to keep them alive but it’s natural for a rose to wither. There are also the people that think it takes too much time or too  much work to be watering the roses everyday. In reality most of us only care for them when they are on the verge of dying. When you don’t take care of them time goes by faster and it feels as if they were given to you yesterday . The thorns are sharp on the roses and if you touch the wrong part of the stem there will be a cut but cuts get heald easily so easy that it’s cured by a bandaid. One day you will also become that rose and anything can happen to you. You will either be lost and forgotten or wither really fast. My roses are still red but everyday a petal is falling off and that’s the amount of time I have left with them so I try to water them when they need to, take care of them until their last breath. You don’t know what you have until you lose it.

The author's comments:

This is written to the people who don't take care of their roses. 

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