Ode to Water Ice | Teen Ink

Ode to Water Ice

October 25, 2018
By HeldPancake2551 BRONZE, Voorhees, New Jersey
HeldPancake2551 BRONZE, Voorhees, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Oh, water ice,
Your sweet flavor
Remains forever
The world’s greatest
Cold sweet.
You make all
Others bow down
In awe,
Slimy ice cream,
Strange smoothies,
Mushy milkshakes,
The list goes on
And on.
I see your
black cherry
the realistic apple
The blueberry standing
Your greatness
Makes all feel relaxed
In such stressful
You, tasteful water ice
Is the best
Of the best
Of the candy
And sweet section
Tasting like
heaven on Earth.
I rely on your
amazing taste,
Each time like
A face from
the past,
Familiar but with a
sense of surprise
If only all
stressed people,
Poor business
The bankrupt,
Pressed politicians,
And poor
school kids
Could just
Lie on the
Magnificent beach,
While the
Glorious sunset,
And could eat
Such delicious food,
They could forget
About all
their stress,
And enjoy

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