Was hers | Teen Ink

Was hers

October 30, 2018
By Loonao BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
Loonao BRONZE, Madelia, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every hue of her iris, adjusting by day

The ivory milia below her pupils

Enveloped by the salty, shining, crystal tears

Her short flaxen hair, inching to her shoulders

Face held with a thin smile

Masking all emotions underneath her skin

Body language, screaming in pain

Everyone oblivious to her, except for me

Once was mine, I threw her away

My one, my only, my once first love

Leaving a girl heartbroken, but still giving me every piece

The last I said, stuck to her

“Someone will love you, but someone isn’t me”

So there she goes, no longer mine

Immediately someone new was saying she was hers

I couldn’t bare to see her happy with someone else

All I could do was weep

Her trepidations

my insecurities

her confusion

my lust

All led to why I once was hers

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