Consuming | Teen Ink


November 15, 2018
By LynseyDomiter SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
LynseyDomiter SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your eyes strike me,

like a match.

My heart is on fire.

You blanket my heart

and the warmth of your love

crashes upon me.

Your dark brown hair,

interrupting my every thought.

Battling to stay focused,

I hunger for your

love and affection.

I fight the overwhelming feeling

to smile every time the thought of you

fills my head.

Although I don't really mind.

Your kind heart, so unique.

When I’m with you I feel unstoppable,

like I can do anything with you

by my side.

My heart fills with butterflies,

when I see you smile.

I wish I could be with you always.

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