Comparisons | Teen Ink


November 15, 2018
By LynseyDomiter SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
LynseyDomiter SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to talk about comparisons.

How it deters, defeats and effects everyone in this world.

Breaks down even the strongest of people.

Because of how so subconsciously,

while scrolling through your instagram or twitter feed

it affects so many

and tears their self worth.

I want to talk about how everybody is beautiful

in their own sort of way,

and no one is perfect.

Whether you are 300 pounds and eat McDonald hamburgers every meal

Or you 100 pounds and only eat organic fruits and vegetables.

I want to talk about stereotypes,

how society somehow believes and almost encourages them.

How when you see someone on a magazine

or on social media

The way they portray themselves in a certain way

A way that causes you to believe you need to be like them.

I want to talk about loving yourself

and how important it is.

Whether you are wearing Walmart

or American Eagle.

Whether you are a size 0

or a size 14.

Whether you outfit is quote on quote “trendy” enough

Or if you jeans are quote on quote “new” enough

None of that is important

And its important to know that.

Because at the end of everyday,

No matter what,

When you look in the mirror

Whats looking back at you

Is all you got.

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