Maybe | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Hate. Love. Anger. Passion.
People take these things for granted.
Empty. Soulless.
These are things people never think about.
Or they don’t want to.
They are afraid to think about these things.
They are unable to process such things.
They cannot process these things.
They are unable to.
They can’t do it, especially not in their right minds.
People like to ignore these things.
Like they don’t happen inside of other’s minds.
But that only works for a certain period of time.
Don’t you think that those people have tried.
To block all these things out.
To not feel.
And that’s what drives people crazy.
People don’t know how to express themselves.
I know I don’t.
I never have.
People think it’s easy.
To live, that is.
It’s not.
People make it look easy.
People make it seem easy.
There are so many things that we cannot answer.
There are so many things that we do not know.
People act like they know all.
That’s never the case.
I don’t believe there has ever been a person that’s know everything.
Because there isn’t a lot of things to know.
There isn’t an answer to everything.
And that’s okay.
But people don’t think so.
People think that there must be an answer to everything.
And there isn’t.
There never will be.
No singular person will have the answer to the world, per say.
                                                              No one has answers.
Even about the simplest things.
No one really knows why things happen the way they do.
I think that mainly everything happens for a reason.
I think that were put here to figure out our place and as soon as we do were taken away,
From what we once loved.
So many people were taken away so early.
So many of those people were drug addicts.
So many of them never had their place.
So many of them struggled daily.
So many of them didn’t know what to do with themselves.
Why were they taken.
Taken away into a deep dark abyss to never be seem again.
Why does that happen?
Why do people just die and there is no possible way for them to come back.
You would think, by now there’s something we can do.
But no, and that goes back to how we as people do not have all the answers.
We don’t and the sooner people start to accept that,
The better everything will be.
There’s nothing that anyone can say to change my mind.
People just live their lives not believing in a single thing,
Not knowing how to believe in something.
Never taught.
Never loved.
Never had the chance to be young.
People don’t want to believe their capable of such things.
People don’t want to believe that truly, they can do anything.
If someone puts their heart to something,
I believe that they can truly succeed.
Nothings impossible, but not everything’s possible.
This started out as a poem, but now it’s much more than that.
It’s not a poem at all.
It’s just a speech, or a bunch of words on a page.
It’s my brain,
Some of my thoughts scattered across a few pages,
So people know what is going on.
Because this is the way I express myself.
It helps me,
Maybe it can help another person.
Or maybe not.
Maybe it’s just for me.
But I doubt it.
That’s a good word.
People use it to mean so many different things.

The author's comments:

Broken friends. 

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