Just Out of Reach | Teen Ink

Just Out of Reach

January 18, 2019
By eelgin21 BRONZE, Franlin Lakes, New Jersey
eelgin21 BRONZE, Franlin Lakes, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You reached and reached,

Yet once again you missed,

Missed by an inch compared to a foot,

Improvement you thought to yourself,

But when oh when will you get it,

Get to grasp it,

Hold it,

Experience it,

That is the real question you ask,

Sitting there with your head down,

Knowing that you just have to keep working.

Even though you are feeling discouraged,

Feeling down,

Knowing the hard work you just put in,

And the only response was failure,

It eats you alive,

You think constantly about it,

Questioning how you could have done different.

Pointing fingers at everyone around you…

When the only person you should point a finger at is yourself.

Give it a few days you think,

Stop stressing,

Stop losing sleep,

Stop thinking about it,

Just breathe and dream of it,

God has a plan and it isnt right now,

And that’s okay,

You’ll wait,

Wait for you turn while others live it,

Because that’s the unfortunate part,

Life is unfair,

But that shouldn’t stop you from chasing your dreams,

Have confidence you’ll get there one day,

Even if you may not get there,

That’s okay because you won’t regret the process,

But you’ll regret not trying,

Because the more you believe the more you’ll achieve.

The author's comments:

Inspirational poem about chasing your dream

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