A Talk Over a Cigar | Teen Ink

A Talk Over a Cigar

February 5, 2019
By Regan14 SILVER, Florence, Kentucky
Regan14 SILVER, Florence, Kentucky
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sometimes you have to fail to get where you need to be.

Our coughing laughs
seem endless,
though we know our ends are near.
A puff or two
off the cigar
under muffled breaths.
A smoke-filled room
and memories
Old times
and old pals
reunited with these puffs.
Memories from long ago
when times were simple
and life was vibrant.
Now it seems as if we’ve
completely forgotten
what it felt to be young.
Young and smoking
a meaningless cigarette.
Older and breathing in
a cigar,
like it’s the last one
we’ll ever have.
Time truly

The author's comments:

I hope this poem encourages you to cherish your childhood longer - growing up is hard.

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