Flying Away | Teen Ink

Flying Away

February 14, 2019
By purplecloud SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
purplecloud SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a cabin

soaking in sunshine.

Summer days sprawling in the sun

and nights stargazing.

Morning jogs, jumping in the lake

and daily drives into town for donuts.

Muddy adventures in the woods

and cousins sitting around a campfire.

Watching the waves roll,

roasting marshmallows  

and telling ghost stories.

A grinning cabin,

bursting with life.

I am from a house

at the end of a cul-de-sac.

A backyard of trees

my brothers fell out of.

A back porch swing where a family

huddles in blankets on spring nights.

A kitchen where a mom makes meals,

bursting with aromas of eggplant parmesan,

homemade ravioli and

fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

An office where a dad works three jobs

to provide.

A family that bickers,

because they love each other.

A hugging house,

embracing a family.

I am from an airport,

flying away.

Wandering the streets of Rome,

tossing euros in wishing wells.

Sipping cappuccinos at

a corner cafe in Venice.

Trekking up a mountain in Tahoe

and taking in the view.

Laughing in the London Eye,

glimpsing the city from above.

Picnicking in a Parisian park,

in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

Eating mouth watering mushroom linguini

in a Milan restaurant made of marble.

A drifting airport,

guiding me home.

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