The Outside | Teen Ink

The Outside

February 14, 2019
By 0jarosinski BRONZE, Watertown, Wisconsin
0jarosinski BRONZE, Watertown, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hail from the town that stands on the outside,

from far reaching individuals.

Repulsive towards the one who does not belong,

shunning those on the outside.

I hail from the pantry,

that provides for those who cannot.

From corrupt cults,

imposing will above others.

I hail from snobbery,

from self righteous jocks.

Indifferent to the word “we,”

an individual who stands on the outside.

I hail from anger,

from indifference and trauma.

Bleeding desire,

to obtain what will no longer exist.

I hail from Esp,

from charged voltage screaming new life.

To pounding riffage,

from energy born on the outside.

I hail from torpid invalidity,

from vulgar deceit.

Hidden aggression,

chained to thoughts that only I know.

I hail from where you come from,

from the single beginning.

Hailing from what you are not,

and from everything you are.

Feeding on the outside.

The author's comments:

A poem about my interests and living in Watertown

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