Play on, my precious piano girl | Teen Ink

Play on, my precious piano girl

March 19, 2019
By lsantos11037 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
lsantos11037 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Play on, my precious piano girl!

Play me a melody to move my heart,

let me feel the love you distribute,

to the monochrome colored keys.

A melody to remind me of love,

of home cooked dinners with mom-

A melody to pull at my heart strings,

like an archer readies his bow.

Play on, my lovely piano girl!

Arouse my thoughts with happier times,

times when I sat in that room,

and heard you perform.

Arouse my mind to be at peace,

during a dark time.

Arouse my heart,

to be at ease.

Play on, my dearest piano girl.

Come back to me,

play me a melody to mend my heart.

The harmony of silence is torture,

the darkness of the white noise torments my ears.

I ask once more- my love,

Show me the love,

you showed the piano.

Her songs silenced,

and play she does no more

The author's comments:

A poem about a boy and his love.

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