The Kingdom That is No Longer Home | Teen Ink

The Kingdom That is No Longer Home

March 22, 2019
By Anonymous

There is a princesswho wears a crown of stone
Weighed down by the prejudice
of the kingdom that is no longer home

There is a princess
who wears a corset of bone
The bones of the dreamers
of the kingdom that is no longer home

There is a princess
who wears slippers of rose
Red as the wrongfully spilt blood
by the kingdom that is no longer home

There is a princess
who has a heart of glass
Shattered into many fragments
like the kingdom that is no longer home

There is a princess
who has a soul of ocean
Crashing through the vicious streets
of the kingdom that is no longer home

There is a princess
who has a voice of change
Rebuilding the tattered core
of the kingdom that is no longer home

The author's comments:

Fellow princesses, go forth and conquer.

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