I don't know why | Teen Ink

I don't know why

March 26, 2019
By Kaityy31 BRONZE, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Kaityy31 BRONZE, Oil City, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

I don’t know why

your scaly hands grabbed mom

when all you needed to do

was ask for money.

I don’t know why

your crusty lips belched my name

when I wouldn’t give you my

time of day.

I don’t know why

you abandoned us ,

leaving mom to feed three kids

with little money.

I don’t know why

your drug runs

were at the top of your mind,

while I, was sinking in the frigid

bleached snow

impatient for pick up.

I don’t know why

your arms were

always so

bandaged and bruised

by the pricks of your ignorance.

I don’t know why

your decaying, rusted teeth

mumbled the words--

I don’t even consider you

my daughter anymore

when I wouldn’t fulfill

your urging desires.

I only know why

you, my filthy father

chose amnesiac drugs,

instead of loving me--

your own


The author's comments:

my father, got into an accident when I was in third grade. It was down pouring on a wednesday morning and a semi- truck swerved over onto the incoming traffic. It flipped over onto our car and left my dad with broken ribs, severe concussion, and torn ligaments in his shoulder. He got perscribed oxycontin and ever since then it has progressed into a further addiction. A few weeks ago he had a package delivered to our house when we weren't home of $60,000 worth of crystal meth. He used to be a caring loving father to my two brothers, who are thirteen and ten. I hope to get my expeirences across and have someone to relate to by sharing this. 

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