Dear heart, | Teen Ink

Dear heart,

April 1, 2019
By NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
NicolleB GOLD, Little Elm, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear heart,

Could you stop liking him,

Thinking of him,

Talking about him,

Racing to take him for yourself.

There is still time.

He is just trying to play with you.

He doesn't actually care,

He doesn't actually listen.

He says sweet words,

His eyes melt you,

His smile is like the sun,

And his talent, oh, that is extraordinary.

He asks if you are ok,

He asks if you want to hang out,

He stops what he is doing for you.

But at the end of the day, you need you, not him.

Because you never know if he is true to you.

So, please.

Dear heart,

Could you focus on me?

The author's comments:

This piece is based on how I view the guy that I love but hate at the same time and he knows it too.

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