F*** You | Teen Ink

F*** You

April 5, 2019
By Calyris BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
Calyris BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They said beauty was relevant
They said that you wouldn’t get anywhere if you weren’t a certain shape.
They said “You’d look better if you lost weight.”
They said “You’d look prettier if you became skinner like your cousin.”
Little did they know,
My cousin had her stomach clawing,
Down it went, what sustained was nothing but water.
Soothing the beast inside her body that only became hungrier and colder.
There came sounds,
Choking tears of pain while her and her body fell to the ground.
Pleading for mercy.
For the purchase of beauty,
Pain was her currency,
And to that I say,

F*** You.”

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