Growing Pains | Teen Ink

Growing Pains

May 10, 2019
By audreyyy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
audreyyy BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was little,

I dreamed of growing up,

Of gaining freedom,

And having the world at my hands.

Limitless and without boundaries,

Running to Earth’s end.

When I was little,

They told me to stand strong and dream big.

To see the good,

And conquer from within.

But like a blade of grass,

I shot up.

And learned the hard truth,

About nothing ever being as it seemed.

They told me the evil,

The things nobody wants to know,

The things that hurt your soul,

The things that are lethal.  

I began to wonder things,

Question things,

Doubt, and challenge things.

Why dream big when the light stops shining?

How can I stand when everything falls,

And darkness surrounds?

What do I do when the stars are dim,

And my soul is shrunk.

And what they told me,

All those years ago,

Have no avail?

But I guess it comes,

with the growing pains.

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