The Cabin | Teen Ink

The Cabin

May 26, 2019
By Ryanab BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Ryanab BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Deep in the lush forest, a cabin as old as time

Lies with its stones crumbling withered in vines

Out amongst the trees, the animals play

But they all visit the cabin, on their darkest day

When the animals are young, they just scamper around

They don’t have a direction, no path on the ground

They fumble in the forest, they grow and mature

And they all choose a path, no matter how unsure

Some paths are downhill, as easy as can be

But others are strenuous, no reward guaranteed

A few leave the path, finding the cabin on their own

Cutting their trail short, shriveling to bones

But all paths converge, in the same gloomy glade

It lies clear as day or hidden in the shade

They taunt around the cabin or just burst in the door

But once they enter, they are locked forevermore.

The author's comments:

This poem is a sort of abstraction on the concept of life and death. 

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