I am a slice of key lime pie | Teen Ink

I am a slice of key lime pie

May 31, 2019
By purplecloud SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
purplecloud SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have a crumbly graham cracker crust

that acts like a protective shell,

holding me together. It keeps me temporarily

safe and guarded, but

it isn’t hard to break through.  

Inside my crust resides a perfect medley,

sweet sugary goodness combined with the tartness of lime.

I have a soft texture that charms the taste buds,

and a delightful aftertaste that’s only slightly sour.

A dollop of whipped cream on top compliments my taste,

leaving you with a smile.  

Alone I am not much,   

but with a few more slices,

I can become part of a whole.

Filled with rich flavor and smooth texture,

I am best enjoyed with friends.

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