Queen of Flowers | Teen Ink

Queen of Flowers

June 11, 2019
By juliazhou BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
juliazhou BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am an Albrecht Durer rose. Elegant, exotic, and easy on the eyes. I am the embodiment of Aphrodite, exuding the beauty that I flaunt. I am a prized possession of the gods, each petal sculpted and perfected by Hephaestus himself. My piercing thorns were crafted with such precision that they get mistaken for the arrows of the huntress. The breeze wraps around my every curve. Honey bees dance gracefully upon me, a swarm of dappled ballerinas in striped radial dresses, their movements swift and mesmerizing. My aura seeps through the souls of millions, entrancing them with my sweet aroma. Hummingbirds vie for my attention, yearning for my divine ambrosia—a succulent dessert. Raindrops glisten like gemstones on my stalk, fresh from the night.

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