Where I’m From | Teen Ink

Where I’m From

September 19, 2019
By RCope28 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
RCope28 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where I’m From

I am from sunny, wet days.

A bright wood house

clear water and s l o w yet calm boat rides.

I am from where the grass grows tall

but the snow gets taller.

I am from an empty nest —  

all the rooms grow colder — except for mine

I was from a banging house!

People dashing in and out

I was from a family always home

Fired up grills and movie night thrills


I wish I was in another part of the world.

I wish I was from whistling waves

palm trees blowing in the wind

wish I 

was from


Where the Aspen smells like home.

But i am from the dells.

Land of 15,000 lakes!

The Cheese Heads and the Jump Around Badgers.


I am from sunny, wet days

A bright wood house

clear water and s l o w yet calm boat rides

I am from a friend filled place.

Memorable moments

like walks with the dogs

bike rides with best friends

and of course lake days.  

I'm as joyous as can be

because where I'm from, I love.

The author's comments:

This piece about about where I’m from and just a showing kind of way to explain where I live and the things I love where I’m from. I also talked about things I wish I was from and showed it in the same way. 

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