Leap of Faith | Teen Ink

Leap of Faith

October 9, 2019
By 0herbst GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
0herbst GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beating sun pelts down on my body as a crisp breeze 

whirls my ponytail around the back of my neck.

A flow of adrenaline rushes from my feet up to my head like I’m

preparing to run.

My bare feet grip the smooth rock as I lunge onto it, my toes 

surprise me when they tingle as they try to regain balance.

I hear Mom’s laughter behind me as she’s 

watching me through the viewfinder of her camera,

ready to capture my first leap of faith…literally. 

I feel like I have no choice at this point, Dad

waving me down to jump as he 

treads in the water below me.

My heart’s pulse mimics the tumbling of rocks falling 

with an avalanche, so loud that I barely 

hear the voice of my innocent eight year old sister. 

“Close your eyes and jump,” she tells me, boosting my motivation.

I look down to see a reflection upon the surface of the water that’s

as bright as the sun, blinding my eyes.

I’ve waited too long, my skin is burning up as I

stutter-step closer to the edge of the rock, hesitant.

I count down as my uncertainty fades away.

“1…” I can do this.

“2…” Find the courage, Olivia.

“3!” I say as I shoot my arms up, leaping up through the air.

Am I flying? Relief rushes through my veins

like a downfall of calming waters.

I reflect on what brought me here, what encouraged me to jump:

the glistening waters that extend to the horizon, the 

clouds vanished from the sky, the

relaxation of the scenery.

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