Downhill: 15,000’ high | Teen Ink

Downhill: 15,000’ high

October 9, 2019
By N-Tiahnybik SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
N-Tiahnybik SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun peaks its head over the mountain, curious of what’s ahead. (15,000)

 Its light shimmering off the snow, (14,000)

casting shadows of skiers as they make their descent. (13,000)

 The mountain holds immense challenges and hazards, (12,000)

but the shadows tell another tale: (11,000)

a joyous tale. (10,000)

Speeds, pleasing their daring riders, (9,000)

 rush to reach their limit, (8,000)

every second more exhilarating than the last. (7,000)

Trees sprouting from every crevice and denying man’s touch. (6,000)

Carefully planned paths emerge from the thickness of the brush, (5,000)

and it is here where the people reside. (4,000)

The faithful riders welcome the mountain’s wrath, (3,000)

and are met with chilling winds (2,000)

that excite and fill the riders eagerness for what's to come (1,000)


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