Hi, I love you, Goodbye | Teen Ink

Hi, I love you, Goodbye

December 13, 2019
By ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
ncatino0050 SILVER, Arlington Heights, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found a poem in my makeup stained pillow case,

covering the soft cushion where I lay my head at night.

Black tears drizzled down my cheek

onto the landscape of the fabric 

shielding the fluffy pillow.

Foundation the color of my flush skin 

melting onto the surface.

He saunters in my cluttered brain,

remembering the grin across my face.

My eyes turned a dark crimson 

burning and aching through and through

breathing heavy, feeling as though the air

escaped my lungs.

You were the gleam of light within me.

As music rushed in both ears and into my brain,

the sniffs from my nose become relevant, 

eyes beginning to flutter water off the black lashes,

I dropped my head into the seams of my pillow.

Waiting, and waiting, for you to come again.

And that is when I realized,

no one could ever be you again.

The author's comments:

This poem for me is about the people I miss and wish I got to spend more time with, or just miss the memories. Everyone I know misses someone, whether it is someone they have lost or someone they no longer have a relationship with. 

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