Grey Area | Teen Ink

Grey Area

December 10, 2020
By poetrynothanks BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
poetrynothanks BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A grey day with skies that weep

Tears blear my sight and dull my skin 

The sidewalk cracks widen with the sound

thunder claps disturb the greyish dim 

A facedown book with pages soaking 

Float piece by piece into the drain

And join the wasted water of the underground

Different from the long awaited acid rain 

An elder walking by could peer into

Their wire rimmed frames and greying fringe 

To spot the future in the skyline

Grey towers reflecting cement change 

Today a storm, tomorrow sun

To leach more color from us still 

And dry until grey damage is done

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