The Crying Rose | Teen Ink

The Crying Rose

December 17, 2020
By AilesanFranco SILVER, Santaquin, Utah
AilesanFranco SILVER, Santaquin, Utah
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The way sadness works is one of the strange riddles of the world. If you are stricken with a great sadness, you may feel as if you have been set aflame, not only because of the enormous pain but also because your sadness may spread over your life, like smoke from an enormous fire.¨<br /> – Lemony Snicket

The fields constantly going and going

Sky from beginning to end

Seeds dug in the ground

Thriving throughout the territory

All the flowers blooming

Except one

Cold, crisp around its edges, wilted

The roses are red

This rose is blue

Infinite clouds raining from above

But a patch leaving that flower

All alone

The blue rose is isolated from its friends

I'm all alone

A bad dream turned to reality

Sad but gone mad

The sun shining its rays towards the field

But total darkness surrounding me

Gardners checking up on them

Except for one

A petal falling off then in flight

Gazing upon what they could’ve been

The blue rose wept

The rose’s tears were an ocean

Drowning in water like plastic

Realizing the gardners heard its cries

The sun shining all across

Revived, handled with care

Only because my gardeners finally listened to me

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece during a time I wasn´t so happy. I love to express myself through words and music. This piece is about being alone and no one checking up on you. 

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