Retired Therapist | Teen Ink

Retired Therapist

December 27, 2020
By salembee SILVER, Warren, Ohio
salembee SILVER, Warren, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"smile, my boy! it's sunrise!"

Severed and fractured was my soul you willingly opted to soothe

Attend to my lamenting, my torn disposition, my mourning and night qualms

Assured me every daybreak with a Good Morning

Ceased to fail to allow me to sleep alone and drift to unconsciousness in wails and salty tears

Regardless of what the clock read


You were selfless and a lifefine to locate my broken pieces

You should be cognizant that I value your attempts

You hand-wrote notes on how to cure a broken girl

You chose to love a shattered girl,

You held me up by the waist from the mud

Like would a crying child

And bestowed what I envisioned as pure intimacy


You held sympathy twice but I notice you have

Retired from your position

No longer captivated to wrestle with demons

And would rather leave me in the mud this therapy session

So I could mourn alone

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