Take No and Leave | Teen Ink

Take No and Leave

April 6, 2021
By agruber25 BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
agruber25 BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Criminal Minds



We watch these shows with such interest

As we see gruesome things fill our screen

Every time something scary comes on

We remind ourselves “It isn’t real, It’s a tv show”

But every day we walk around and someone else's life has been changed

We hear about it on the news

We shut it off cause we don’t want to worry

“It will never happen to me”

But at every shadow and ever sudden noise

We jump or scream 

We wash our faces as quick as we can

Cause this is the perfect opportunity for him to get me


Notice how when we are scared we say him

It isn’t all men, sure

But it is almost all women

We walk in fear down our street

Even in our homes, we triple-check our locks

The place of sanction 

The place we should feel safe in

We live in fear of Him getting in

The monster who was raised to think she was asking for it

She shouldn’t have been wearing that

No, you shouldn’t have invaded her and taken her right to say no for granted

Don’t touch her

Don’t stare

Whistling is not a compliment 

So stop catcalling 

Don’t follow us home

Don’t lean on our door frame

Were not interested

Take No for an answer

And leave 

Say their names

The victims 

Punish the ones who don’t understand a two-letter answer

We shouldn’t have to carry pepper spray

Or to hold keys in between our fingers

We should feel safe 

And we don’t

Even the ones who swore to protect us

Don’t understand the answer they were given

Take no and leave

And don’t touch us again

The author's comments:

I have been reading and hearing a lot about how many sexual assaults there are every day and I felt like I needed to say something.

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