all but not enough | Teen Ink

all but not enough

June 28, 2021
By Anonymous

All she wanted was to be perfect.

Was that too much to ask?

Now she flinches at her silhouette

Too late, the time has past.


All she wanted was to be happy.

With the person in the mirror

The body she wanted so badly

At least her goal is nearer.


All she wanted was to be pretty.

Like all those other girls

So happy, so perfect, so witty

As her own life unfurls.


All she wanted was to be thin.

Her worth is in the scale,

The swirling thoughts will always win

This plan of hers will fail.


All she wanted was to be good

At something, one thing, for a change

Show the others that she could

Be someone worthwhile, not so strange.


Well, she can look back and reflect

Who she used to be

All she wanted was to be perfect.

It was never meant to be.

The author's comments:

i wrote this for school and wanted to post this here

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