Clever boy | Teen Ink

Clever boy

December 13, 2021
By Anonymous

Clever boy,

hair in your eyes,

smile on your lips,

the whole wide world

at your eager fingertips.

So anxious for adventure—

with every step you take

you edge closer and closer

to a hundred-foot drop.

Your dreams are all of danger,

of dancing on a high-wire.

You long for loneliness

and wish for nothing more

than a burden to bear all on your own;

to journey into every storm

and climb to every mountain top;

to prove you are invincible—



the last of your kind.

Clever boy,

laughter in your eyes,

truth on your lips,

everything you’ve ever wanted

waiting at your fingertips.

So certain of your future—

hands that never shake

hold on tight to a beating drum 

of an unbroken heart.

Your days are bathed in sunlight,

childhood summers

that bleed through past winter.

You journey into every storm

And climb to every mountain top.

Slayer of dragons, architect of dreams,

your life sprawls out before you,

a build your own sundae buffet— 

everything you could ever want;

the world is yours to make, Clever boy,

but it is also yours to break.

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