2022 Traditions Contest: Ode to skating | Teen Ink

2022 Traditions Contest: Ode to skating

January 3, 2022
By ANF1123 BRONZE, Mississauga, Ontario
ANF1123 BRONZE, Mississauga, Ontario
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when 

I was new to 

This world 

couldn’t face

it’s cold 

I fell over and over

On the icy stretches 

At first you guys 

Helped me up 

Until I learnt 

To skate 

Carving my path 

Out of the world’s frost 

Soaring through swirls of snow

Wind rushing through my jacket 

All together,warm smiles in chilly air 



The memory preserved 

Forever by the ice 

Glinting in the sun

My little sister 

Waddles close


After a few steps and falls 

We glide past you both 

You gave us the 

Greatest gift of all 

We fly

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